The Disney Princess also known as the Princess Line is toy line and media franchise owned by The Walt Disney Company. It was created by Andy Mooney, the Disney Consumer Products chairman in the early 2000s, the line up featured by the franchise is of the female protagonists who have appeared in various Disney franchises. The line-up of 2013 includes Mulan, Tiana, Snow White, Cinderella, Belle, Merida, Ariel, Rapunzel, Aurora, Pocahontas and Jasmine. The thing to note is that the franchise does not include all the Disney Princess characters that have been signed with the Disney owned media, but only the ones that are selected specifically and are from the company's animated series and films.
The franchise has released sing-along videos, dolls, apparel, home decor, beauty products, toys and a variety of other products featuring the Disney Princesses. The Licensees for the franchise include Stride Rite (sparkly shoes), Glidden (wall paint), Hasbro( games and dolls), and Fisher Price (plastic figurines). The origin of the Disney Princess franchise relates to the Disney on Ice show that was attended by the Consumer Products chairman Andy Mooney, for the first time. There he saw many young girls dressed in different princess attires, even though it was not a Disney Merchandise. The very next morning he followed up and encouraged Disney to have its own Disney Princess franchise.
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