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Gerbera l. Is a genus of vegetation within the asteraceae (daisy circle of relatives). It became named in honour of german botanist and scientific physician traugott gerbera (1710-1743) who travelled extensively in russia and changed into a pal of carl linnaeus. Gerbera is native to tropical areas of south america, africa and asia. The primary scientific description of a gerbera turned into made through j. D. Hooker in curtis's botanical mag in 1889 while he defined gerbera jamesonii, a south african species also known as transvaal daisy or barberton daisy. Gerbera is also usually known as the african daisy. Gerbera species undergo a large capitulum with placing, -lipped ray florets in yellow, orange, white, pink or crimson colorations. The capitulum, which has the appearance of a unmarried flower, is actually composed of hundreds of person flora. The morphology of the flowers varies relying on their position within the capitulum. The flower heads can be as small as 7 cm (gerbera mini 'harley') in diameter or as much as 12 cm (gerbera 'golden serena').
Gerbera may be very popular and extensively used as a decorative lawn plant or as reduce flora. The domesticated cultivars are mostly a end result of a cross among gerbera jamesonii and some other south african species gerbera viridifolia. The move is known as gerbera hybrida. Hundreds of cultivars exist. They vary greatly in form and size. Colorings include white, yellow, orange, red, and crimson. The centre of the flower is on occasion black. Often the same flower will have petals of several different colorations. Gerbera is also crucial commercially. It is the 5th maximum used cut flower inside the world (after rose, carnation, chrysanthemum, and tulip). It is also used as a model organism in studying flower formation. Gerbera carries naturally going on coumarin derivatives. Gerbera is a tender perennial plant. It's miles attractive to bees, butterflies, and birds, however proof against deer. Small ones are known as gerbrinis.
Image Name: Gerbera Hd
Image category: Gerbera | Download Gerbera Zip
Parent category: Nature
Format: PNG image with alpha (transparent)
Resolution: 1024x704
License: Creative Commons (CC BY-NC 4.0)
Size: 836.5KB
Rating: 2
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Author: Maria Blanton
Date Added: 02-12-2017
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