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Clover or trefoil are not unusual names for plant life of the genus trifolium, which includes about 300 species of flowering flowers within the legume or pea circle of relatives fabaceae. The genus has a sophisticated distribution with highest diversity inside the temperate northern hemisphere, however many species also arise in south america and africa, together with at high altitudes on mountains in the tropics. They're small annual, biennial, or short-lived perennial herbaceous plants. Clover may be evergreen. The leaves are trifoliate (rarely quatrefoiled; see four-leaf clover), cinquefoil, or septfoil, with stipules adnate to the leaf-stalk, and heads or dense spikes of small purple, red, white, or yellow flowers; the small, few-seeded pods are enclosed inside the calyx. other intently associated genera often called clovers encompass melilotus (sweet clover) and medicago (alfalfa or calvary clover). Several species of clover are substantially cultivated as fodder plant life.
The maximum widely cultivated clovers are white clover, trifolium repens, and crimson clover, trifolium pratense. Clover, both sown alone or in combination with ryegrass, has for a long time formed a staple crop for silaging, for several reasons: it grows freely, stoning up once more after repeated mowings; it produces an plentiful crop; it's far palatable to and nutritious for farm animals; it fixes nitrogen, decreasing the need for artificial fertilizers; it grows in a remarkable range of soils and climates; and it's miles suitable for either pasturage or inexperienced composting.
Image Name: Clover Png Pic
Image category: Clover | Download Clover Zip
Parent category: Nature
Format: PNG image with alpha (transparent)
Resolution: 400x400
License: Creative Commons (CC BY-NC 4.0)
Size: 48.9KB
Rating: 5
Views: 1713
Author: Richard Ross
Date Added: 22-12-2016
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