Mario is a Japanese name under the fictional character Mario in the fictional video game franchise, created by Japanese video game designer Shigeru Miyamoto and owned by Nintendo. Mario being the eponymous protagonist of the series, as well as acting as the company's mascot, has appeared in over 200 video games since its creation. Mario has always been visualised as a pudgy, short, Italian plumber who takes his residence in the Mushroom kingdom, his adventures commonly centre upon rescuing Princess Peach from the Koopa of the village Bowser. Luigi is his fraternal twin brother and sidekick.
The overall Mario franchise is one of the best games and best selling video game franchise of all time, with more than five hundred million of its units sold worldwide. The other Mario genres, excluding the Super Mario Platform series, include sports games such as Mario Tennis and Mario golf series, The Mario Kart racing series, role playing games such as Mario and Luigi, Paper Mario and Super Mario RPG,k and also educational games such as Mario is Missing!, Mario Teaches Typing and Mario's Time Machine. The franchise has also branched into various media, including films, television shows, licensed merchandise and comics. The voiceover of Mario has been done by Charles Martines, since 1990.
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