Anime is computer animation or hand-drawn sketches originally originating and associating with Japan. Outside Japan anime is known as Animation. Anime is often known by colourful graphics, vibrant characters, Fantasy lands and fantastical themes. Anime is started because of the culturally abstract approach to the world's origin and its meaning can open up the possibilities of thinking creative, thinking about life different from ourselves. Many countries and culture studies Anime just as the product. Characters in anime are relatable, deep and moreover creative. Storytelling in the anime can be of any type in anime, it opens a whole new possibility to experiment and try in the field of anime. First commercial Japanese anime was released in 1917, since then the production of anime in Japan has increased with the passage of time. Anime is presented and distributed worldwide, by using television broadcast, internet video streaming, this brings anime directly to our doorstep. Anime covers various genre targeting diverse and broad audiences. Anime is a diverse art form with distinctive production methods and techniques that have been adapted over time in response to emergent technologies. The anime industry to date has more than 450 production studio with major titles like Studio Ghibli, Gainax an Toel Animation.
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