A chain is an object which is a serial assembly of connected pieces, called links. These are typically made of metal, with an overall character similar to rope (even though they are different in various aspects of flexibility, elasticity, etc.) in that it is flexible and curved in compression but rigid, linear and load bearing in tension. The major classification of chains is done on the basis of their design, which in turn can be indicated by their use. Some examples of the types of chains can include those which are designed for lifting purposes, such as when used with a hoist, for securing or for pulling, such as with a bicycle lock, have links that are torus shaped, making it flexible in two different, dimensions, as though the third dimension of fixed being the chain's length. Chains serving as jewelry are a small decorative analogue of such types. Some chains are designed for the purpose of transferring power in machines and have links to mesh with the teeth of the sprockets of the machine and are flexible only in one dimension. Such kind of chains are known as roller chains, also their exist non roller chains such as block chains.

In this sub category you can download free PNG images: Chain Technical. In this category "Chain" we have 21 free PNG images with transparent background.

  • Broken Chain Png Image PNG Image
    Broken Chain Png Image
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    Size: 23.4KB
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